Take My Hand

The moon smiles down on me and darkness has swallowed the horizon. It is 9:30 PM and I sit on my bed, racking my brain on how I haven’t posted on my blog in over two month. With the fan on full blast and my cloudy playlist in the background, I try to write again. And the normal question that comes to mind is, “What has happened since?” My head tilts back and I let out a nervous laugh and then my mind trails off to the endless answers to that question. Better question to ask myself, “What hasn’t happened to me yet?” … More Take My Hand

Quick Updates

One step at a time and one day at a time. Time passes strangely here. These days feel like centuries. Jam packed with language, technical training, more language, HELLOS, smiles, and family time. However, like the human I am, I fall victim to a routine. Trying to find comfort in the unknown, I catch myself doing … More Quick Updates

End of Week 1 

Week 1 has ended and what a feat that is! I grow more grateful for each moment.  Cambodian culture is extremely relationship and family-orientated. I experienced a bit of this in the U.S. because of my family history. I am an American Born Chinese, or ABC, with parents who immigrated from China. These values were … More End of Week 1